Basically what title said! Art ranging from 5 bucks for a chibi all the way up to 15 for a fullcolor character!
Have you been liking my art so far? Wanted to buy some but didn't know how? Well there you are!
Admittedly I'm only doing this ad because I'm getting a liiittle desperate! Progress here is going as slow as.. everywhere else, really. Freelancing sucks when there's no clients. You also kinda start to doubt your skills when the algorithms don't give you a hand. Am I doing something wrong? Won't really ever know. I don't wanna pull on my hair too much about it- as far as I'm aware, all I can do is just keep yelling into the void until something happens.
Self shilling and pitying out of the way.. I'm getting footage for a new video I wanna make over at YT. Don't think NG is interested in life commentary over sped up drawing, so I won't bother posting it here (if I can even get enough footage by the next week.) but hey at least I'll put a link over when (or if) it's finished.
Lastly, if you are a 2D visual artist and you have some tips for people like me, please offer them in the comments or the DMs if you feel like it. How good is my art? What should I do to draw in (pun intended) more people?